As we approach the first week of school for the 2024/2025 school year, all of us at Cheverus are thrilled to be welcoming back new families and look forward to meeting all the new ones. As educators, we are blessed to be able to reset each summer and start each new year fresh, energized for another year. There are many exciting changes to share as we continue to make improvements and welcome new members of our faculty and staff.
Cheverus Catholic is proud to support the Uniform Exchange Program. You are welcome to Pick Up and/or Drop Off gently used Cheverus Catholic uniforms on the dates and times listed below. Dates: June 2; 5 - 7, 2023 Time: 7:30 - 8:00 am Location: Inside Main Doors
To celebrate the Feast Day of Bishop Cheverus we are focusing our 2022-2023 Annual Fund on January 28, 2023. Throughout his life, Bishop Cheverus was known for his generosity and kindness to others. We ask that you consider making a contribution to the Annual Fund so that Cheverus School may continue to serve the Greater Boston community which Bishop Cheverus so much loved.
Exciting news! Massachusetts has extended free school meals for all students through the 2022-2023 school year! This means that lunch will continue to be served at no cost to all. MA has extended free school meals for all students through the 2022-2023 school year! Even though meals will be free for all, it is very important for families to still complete the household Application for Free and Reduced Price Meals for next school year. What does this mean for you? First and foremost, meals will be free for all MA students through school year 22-23. Although meals will be free for all, it is very important for families to complete the household Application for Free and Reduced Price Meals, which allows our district to establish eligibility for P-EBT benefits and other school programs. ¡GRANDES NOTICIAS! ¡Massachusetts extendió las comidas escolares gratis para todos sus estudiantes durante los años escolares 2022-2023! Esto significa que el almuerzo continuará sirviéndose sin costo a todos los estudiantes. ¡MA ha extendido las comidas gratis escolares para todos los estudiantes durante los años escolares 2022-2023! Aunque estas comidas serán gratis para todos, es de vital importancia que las familias completen el formulario para comidas gratis o a precio reducido para el próximo año escolar. ¿Qué significa esto para ti? Primero y más importante, las comidas serán gratuitas para todos los estudiantes de MA durante los años escolares 22-23. Aunque estas comidas serán gratis para todos, es de vital importancia que las familias completen el formulario para comidas gratis o a precio reducido, el cual permite a nuestro distrito establecer elegibilidad para los beneficios P-EBT y otros programas escolares.
Dear Cheverus Parents/Guardians, With 40 days left until the first day of school we are excited to see the children fill the halls and classrooms. We bet you are also eagerly planning back to school shopping of supplies, backpacks, and uniforms. We take this moment to remind you of our Dress Code detailed in the attached. Uniforms may be purchased at Collegiate House located on 14 High Street, Medford Mass. We will also be offering a week of the Uniform Exchange when you can stop by the school and pick up gently used uniforms free of charge. The Uniform Exchange will be held from August 8 to August 11.
Dear Cheverus families, The Supply List for 2022 -2023 has been published. Please see attached for Kindergarten to Middle School. Have a wonderful summer!!
Dear Cheverus School Family, Receive a fraternal greeting from me, Father Alejandro López Cardinale, parish administrator of Sacred Hearts and, therefore, in charge of Cheverus Catholic School. It is an honor to be with you even if it is through this letter, which is especially significant due to its content. First, we want to thank all of you for the trust you show in choosing our school and allowing us to be part of your children’s lives and yours. We feel honored and, at the same time, we ask the good God who has given us life, energy, and strength to carry out this mission. In the last seven years we have had the benefit of Mr. Thomas Arria Jr., as Principal of the school. Now that he has chosen to retire, we want to express our immense gratitude to him and ask him, at the same time, to continue advising us and offering his talents so that the future of the school is more promising. This change will bring about a new era for Cheverus. Therefore, it is with immense joy and gratitude, that we inform you of the appointment of Mr. Jeff Lane as the new Principal of Cheverus Catholic School. You all know him, as he knows you. With his personal charisma, his performance as a teacher and as Assistant Principal, he offers us everything necessary for the school to both continue forward and expand to new horizons. A transition will take place in the coming months. We can count on the cooperation between Mr. Arria and Mr. Lane given their shared experiences to expedite this process. This guarantees us stability and, at the same time, the possibility to dream of new opportunities for the school. For those who can, please join us in the Eucharist of thanksgiving for the end of the 2021-2022 school year. It will take place on Friday, June 10 at 8 am, at Sacred Hearts Church. It will be an opportunity to see each other and get to know each other. We ask God, each one of us from the confession of faith that they profess, to guide Mr. Lane and accompany him, give him wisdom and joy for the mission that lies ahead, a mission that he will not do alone, but in the company of all of us. Fraternal, Father Alejandro and the Sacred Hearts staff
Dear Parents, We are appalled and saddened to hear of the events in Texas yesterday. This is especially difficult for us as teachers and parents, unthinkable, yet reality. We pray for the repose of the souls of the children and the teachers and for their families. These situations beg the question: How do we respond to our children when these situations arise? My sense is that the most important action we can take is to be alert to any child who is exhibiting or expressing any anxiety or fear related to this incident. Obviously, we address the issue differently depending on the age of the child. I have directed our teachers to keep a watchful eye on the children in the lower grades for any signs/expressions of anxiety or fear related to this issue and to report it to the School Office immediately. Conversations can take place with the older/middle school students, especially if they have questions. Mrs. Caplan, our guidance counselor will be available on Friday, to talk with anyone having difficulty. She has also provided us with the link below. Thomas P. Arria, Jr. Principal Cheverus Catholic School 30 Irving Street Malden, MA 02148 (781) 324-6584