Updated Weekly During the School Year!
Week of February 10, 2025
This is our last week of school before vacation. Vacation begins at 2:00 on Friday!
Last Week’s Snow Day and my day out put a hiccup in our learning. We did not have our spelling or reading test this past Friday. We are now caught up. We will have it this week on Tuesday.
N.U.T. Day-Friday
Friday is a N.U.T. Day. The cost is $1 if your child is going to participate.
Valentine’s Day
Friday is Valentine’s Day. We will celebrate by sending valentines to our friends. Valentine cards can be store bought or homemade. It is always nice to send a friend a card or even receive one. Please refer to the class list that was sent home.
High Frequency Words
No test this week. Please review!
Spelling Words
No test this week. Please review!
Homework-Read every night!
Mon. 2/10 SpellingWorksheet*Test tomorrow* Long a Spelled ai, ay, a-e
Tues. 2/11 Math
Wed. 2/12 Math
Thurs. 2/13 No Homework-Happy Valentine’s Day!
Looking Ahead
February Vacation
Next week is February School Vacation. School will be out of session and resume on Monday, February 24th.
Have a wonderful week! Enjoy your vacation!
Week of February 3, 2025
Hope you had a fun Catholic Schools Week! There are two weeks until February Vacation!
Valentine’s Day
Next week is Valentine’s Day, February 14th. We will celebrate by sending valentine cards to our friends. They can be homemade or store bought. Everyone loves to receive a kind thought from a friend. A class list will be sent home soon. Please be on the lookout for it.
Early Dismissal
Friday is a half day. Dismissal is at 11:10.
High Frequency Words
about, animal, carry, eight, give, our
Spelling Words
mail, chain, play, rain, way, took, hood, day, our, carry
Mon. 2/3 Write words 3x in notebook, neatly.
Tues. 2/4 Phonics
Wed. 2/5 Math
Thurs. 2/6 Spelling Worksheet*Test tomorrow. Long a, spelled ai and ay.
Enjoy your week!
Week of January 27, 2025
It is Catholic Schools Week! This is a great time to celebrate our special school. Please check out the Catholic Schools Week Calendar, the office emailed it home to you. This lists the special events that are happening during this week. Friday’s N.U.T. Day is a Disney theme. Come dressed as your favorite character. Who’s your favorite?
Thank you!
Thank you to those who have sent back their child’s progress report. If you still have it, please sign and return it to school with your child. It is overdue!
after, buy, done, every, soon, work
Spelling Words
book, look, cook, took, hood, wood, nose, cute, buy, done
Mon. 1/27 Write spelling words 3x in notebook, neatly.
Tues. 1/28 Phonics
Wed. 1/29 Math
Thurs. 1/30 Spelling Worksheet*Test tomorrow, Sound of oo as in book or cook.
Have a fun week!
Week of January 21, 2025
I hope you enjoyed your long weekend. It's that time of the year, the snow comes, and we have to keep warm. Please be sure your child is dressed appropriately with sweaters, jackets, hats, and mittens. If you need help with acquiring winter clothing for your child, please let me know.
February Lunch Order Forms
If your child orders lunch at school, please fill out the lunch menu for February and return it to school. It is due by January 22. Thank you to those who have already sent them in.
Progress Reports
On Wednesday, Progress Reports will be sent home. Please read, sign, and return the report to school on Thursday. Thank you.
High Frequency Words
ago, boy, girl, how, old, people
Spelling Words
hope, nose, note, rope, cute, cube, nice, ledge, ago, people
Tues. 1/21 Write spelling words 3x in notebook, neatly.
Wed. 1/22 Math
Thurs. 1/23 Spelling Worksheet*Test tomorrow*
Looking Ahead to Next Week
Next week is Catholic Schools Week. Be sure to check out the Catholic Schools Week Calendar for special activities and events.
Have a wonderful week! Stay warm!
Week of January 13, 2025
Hello! I hope you had a nice weekend!
N.U.T. Day Friday
Friday is a N.U.T. Day. If your child is going to participate the cost is $1. Thank you.
High Frequency Words
any, from, happy, once, so, upon
Spelling Words
rice, nice, page, age, wedge, ledge, like, ride, from, once
Mon. 1/13 Write spelling words 3x each in notebook, neatly.
Tues. 1/14 Phonics
Wed. 1/15 Math
Thurs. 1/16 Spelling Worksheet *Test tomorrow*Soft c, g, dge.
Looking Ahead!
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Next Monday is a holiday. It is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. There is no school on Monday, January 20th.
Enjoy your long weekend!
Week of January 6, 2025
Welcome Back and Happy New Year!
I hope everyone enjoyed their time off from school, had a wonderful Christmas, and a happy New Year! I hope you were able to spend time with family and friends and did what is most important to you. Now it’s time to get back into the swing of things, back to a schedule and routine. We can think about our next vacation in February. But let’s not, we’ve had a long time off, and we’ve got to get back to work!
School Uniform-Dress Code Policy
As we get back into school, now would be a good time to review the school uniform policy. Please be sure your child is in the correct uniform each day.***Gym days are scheduled on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.***Leggings are only to be worn for warmth, under the girl's dresses, not as pants. ***School shoes should be worn in school, not boots. If your child wears boots to school because of the weather, then students should bring shoes to change into. ***Sneakers are for gym days only.
Thank you for your help with this matter. *If you are unsure of the uniform dress code, please click the sub title under my name titled Uniforms/Dress Code or read about it in the Parent/Student Handbook. Thank you.
Service Project Thank you!
Thank you for your donations that were given to Dexter House at Christmastime. Your kindness and generosity was greatly appreciated. The seventh graders walked to the nursing home, delivered the items, and brought happiness by singing Christmas carols to the residents. What a great service project! Thank you for your help.
Early Dismissal Friday
Friday is a half day. Dismissal is at 11:10.
High Frequency Words
green, grow, pretty, should, together, water
Spelling Words
like, spike, ride, hide, bike, mine, make, came, water, should
Mon. 1/6 Write spelling words 3x each in notebook
Tues. 1/7 Phonics
Wed. 1/8 Math
Thurs. 1/9 Spelling Worksheet *Test tomorrow* Long i spelled i_e.
Have a wonderful week!
Week of December 16, 2024
The third week of Advent.
This is our last week before Christmas vacation which starts Friday at 2:00.
Reminder for Monday
Drop off is at church for pageant practice.
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Thank you to those who were able to make it to parent conferences last week. I know the weather was not cooperative, but I appreciate YOU for making it a priority. It is always nice to discuss your child’s successes as well as any challenges they may face. The success of your child’s education can’t be done by me alone, your help given at home is valuable. You know what they say, “Teamwork makes the dream work.” I look forward to continuing our work together as the year moves forward. Thank you for your home support!
December Service Project Due December 17th
For the Dexter House, we are collecting hair brushes, body spray, adult socks, and stuffed animals for their senior citizens residents. If you can help, it would be greatly appreciated. What a nice lesson to teach your child to help those in need, especially during the holiday season. The middle school will take the donations along with them as they visit and sing Christmas carols. Thank you for any donation you can give.
Christmas Spirit Week!
Join the Festivities & Dress Accordingly!
Monday, Candy Cane Day! Dress in red and white.
Tuesday, Christmas Colors! Dress in red and green clothes.
Wednesday, Ugly Sweater Day! Wear an ugly Christmas sweater.
Thursday, Pajama Day! Dress in your favorite pajamas.
Friday, Dress in Full School Uniform!
Christmas Pageant-Thursday at 6:30
The Christmas Pageant will be Thursday at Sacred Hearts Church. I will be sending home an angel costume this week. Please have students present, dressed in costume, and ready to begin by 6:15. After the pageant is over, undress your child and leave the costume with either Ms. Monteforte, Ms. Bridget, or myself. Thank you!
Some helpful hints for the evening of the pageant
**Please have your child use the bathroom before leaving home.
**Please keep your child’s jacket with you.
**Parents must stay for the duration of the pageant.
**Children cannot be left unattended to be picked up later.
**If your child is not attending, please let us know.
**Please listen and follow Mr. Lane’s directions for dismissal. It can get a little chaotic. Please let’s follow the procedure like we do at daily dismissal. PLEASE, do not take your child without me being aware that you have your child at the end of the evening.
**Thank you for your help, patience, and understanding.
Words were introduced last week.
Words were introduced last week.
*Students need to read with an adult for 15 minutes each night.
Mon. 12/16 Math
Tues. 12/17 Spelling Worksheet *Test Tomorrow* Long a, spelled a_e.
Wed. 12/18 No Homework! Merry Christmas!
Thurs. 12/19 No Homework! See you at the Christmas Pageant!
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
School resumes Monday, January 6, 2025
**Have a restful, relaxing vacation! See you January 6, 2025!**