Physical Education Class
Grades K-8
About me:
I grew up in Northern New Jersey about 10 miles from New York City. I graduated from Suffolk University in 2019 with a journalism degree. While I have 8 years of classroom experience in Boston Public Schools, I have been coaching sports since the age of 15 with specialities in basketball, soccer and baseball. I find passion in passing down all I've learned in academics and athletics to the next generation of students.
About Physical Education:
The physical education program at Cheverus Catholic School provides opportunities for goal setting, making new friends, and stress reduction. The physical education program promotes motor skill development and physical fitness, which emphasizes learning in three domains: psychomotor, cognitive, and affective.
Daily Classroom Expectations:
Our students will have physical education class two times within each week. It is important that each student wears the appropriate Cheverus Catholic gym clothes on those days. This attire includes shorts, sweatpants, t-shirt, and a sweatshirt depending on the student’s daily preference. It is important that the student wears functional gym shoes so that they can actively participate in movement activities.
Grading Policy:
• Participation:
Each student must enter the classroom with the willingness to engage daily classroom functions. Students should find a way to positively engage in classroom activity regardless of ability or skill level. A student must remember to wear their gym clothes or they will not be able to participate. Numerous violations of this will negatively impact their grade regarding participation.
• Effort:
While participating in the required activities and exercises is important within the class, it is just as important that the student gives good effort. Participation alone is not enough to achieve a good grade. To achieve a satisfactory grade, a student must give good effort during each activity to positively impact the class. Lack of effort during an activity could negatively impact a student’s grade.
• Behavior:
Student behavior is essential in achieving a “Satisfactory” grade in physical education. Students are expected to enter the gymnasium quietly and walk to their squad lines. During our warmup, each student should remain quiet while focusing on our group stretching and warmup activities. This is also expected during the wellness discussion that follows. Throughout the class there will be various activities that engage the various skills students will learn in Physical education. It is important that each student listens well to instruction, works positively with other students, follows the rules, and refrains from negative communication that will adversely impact the classroom experience. Good sportsmanship during games is a huge part of our behavior grade and should be displayed on the daily basis. Innappropriate or negative behavior will result in an “N” or a “U” on the report card and could potentially result in a meeting with the parents.