Curriculum: ELA (Wonders and Houghton Mifflin English Grammar}
WRITING (Collins Writing Program)
SOCIAL STUDIES (McGraw Hill Social Studies)
MATH (Sadlier -Oxford: Progress in Mathematics)
RELIGION (Sadlier- We Believe)
SCIENCE (Scott Foresman Science)
Homework: Assignments are given on a daily basis. Occacionally there will be homework on weekends. If your child does not complete classwork during the week, it must be completed over the weekend. Please check my homework page for daily assignments.
Announcement page: Please visit my announcement page each Sunday for a list of important messages and a schedule for the upcoming tests in my classes.
Grading policy: Tests are worth 60% of the final grade each trimester and quizzes are worth 40%. Homework is counted as one quiz grade at the end of each trimester.
Email: [email protected]