***Please check the Weekly Announcement Page every week***
Welcome 2024 - 2025 School Year!
Welcome to Second Grade Room 2-11! My name is Ms. Rosa Viveros and I will be your child's Second grade teacher this year. This will be my third year here at Cheverus and I am really excited for this new journey. I recently obtained my Masters Degree in Child Development which influenced my move from middle school to elementary level. I am looking forward to a great year and working alongside you to make this a great year for your child!
Contact Information
The easiest way to contact me is by note or email. If you have time sensitive matters or if there is an emergency, you can please contact the school office.
To prepare your child for third grade.
To share and learn from one another and becoming responsible.
To prepare your child for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.
Religion is taught every day. It is graded as a subject. If your child is Catholic, he/she will be prepared to receive the sacrament of First Penance (usually in May) and First Holy Communion (usually in May).
Classroom Behavior/Management/Safety
Second grade students are expected to listen attentively, complete work neatly and on time, work independently, follow directions, show self-control, accept correction, be courteous and respectful to others, be organized and care for their property. If behavior issues arise and are being consistent , parents will be notified.
Homework is the extension of the skills and concepts that are taught in daily lessons. Homework is assigned nightly, Monday through Thursday. It will be posted on my teacher page and due the following day unless told otherwise. Students should complete the assignment neatly, correctly, and return it to school. Part of homework, is the responsibility of returning the assignment to school the following day. It is always good to get into a homework routine it creates responsibility .
Spelling tests will be every Friday.
English, Science, Social Studies and Religion are not on a set day; usually two days to study for the test
Science-use the study guide
English-use the review pages at the end of the unit in the hardcover book to study for the test
Grading Policy
Papers with a percentage mark are for a grade; some are graded with a check plus, check, or check minus at the top of the paper.
Birthday snacks should be easy to manage and clean up; cupcakes, brownies and cookies work best.
Each child will receive a homework pass to use that day or any day of his/her choice.
Summer birthdays will be celebrated in the spring.