It is that time of year again! As I begin my forty-fourth year in education, I can’t help but reflect on all the school openings of which I’ve been a part. I must say that no matter the number of times I’ve done this, there is still an air of excitement associated with the start of a school year. Those feelings of excitement and anticipation are magnified for me here at Cheverus; it is an atmosphere unlike anything I’ve experienced.
The summer should be a time for rest, relaxation, and recharging. I know that is not always the case for many of us, but I do hope that you were able to find some time to enjoy family and experience the joys that summer can bring.
Once again, these months at Cheverus have been marked with the task of identifying several new faculty, making improvements to the facility, and offering a dynamic Summer Fun Program. Thanks are in order to Mr. Jeff Lane for his work on enrollment, Mr. Scott Carbonneau in working to prepare the school for the arrival of students and faculty, and to Mrs. Jaime Young and her staff for providing the children with a summer filled with fun.
Among the changes you will recognize this year is the creation of a new Art Center located on what was the Small Hall Stage. It is equipped with a new interactive big screen, individual student access to the internet and art programs, and new art tables. All of this was made possible with a grant from the Gordon and Marjorie Osborne Foundation as well as the Adelaide Breed Bayrd Foundation. We also replaced the floor in the cafeteria, painted several classrooms, and repaired some flooring in classrooms. Needless, to say, it has been busy.
New registrations are coming in on a daily basis. I advise you that if you know of families looking for a school to inform them that they should inquire sooner rather than later as our Early Childhood Education Program is filling fast. Sharing this information may also provide you with an opportunity to take advantage of the Recruitment and Referral Program discount.
We are making all final preparations to welcome our students back. We begin the week of Labor Day. The schedule for the opening of school is:
Tuesday, September 5 A half day for grades 1 – 8 7:50 AM - Noon Parent Orientation for Pre-School and Pre-K at 6:30 PM
Wednesday, September 6 Pre-School/Pre-K Open House 8:00 – 9:00 AM Kindergarten Open House 9:00 – 10:00 AM Half day for grades 1 – 4 dismissal at Noon Full day for grades 5 – 8
Thursday and Friday Full day of school all grades September 7 and 8 Other important dates for the opening of school include:
Monday, September 11 Gym Classes Begin
Thursday, September 14 Back to School Night Grades K-8 Parents Only
Friday, September 15 Opening Liturgy, Student Council Induction
You will receive more detail on these last dates as they approach. Please enjoy the remaining days of summer. We look forward to seeing you soon.