Summer Reading and Math Assignment
for Students Entering Grade 3
Reading Assignment
Students are to read at least two chapter books over the summer. Please read more if you can. The more you read, the better prepared you will be for 3rd grade! I listed a few good chapter book series below!
When you finish reading, please complete 3 Reading Response sheets for each story (a total of 6 responses). One reading response for the characters, setting, and plot for each story your read. Be sure to use complete sentences and color in the pictures you draw to tell about your story.
3rd Grade Chapter Books ideas:
Reading Responses
1. Setting – When (time of day, day of week, month of year, season, etc.) did the story take place?
How do you know the story took place then?
Why is the setting important to the action in the story?
Draw a scene from the story on the back!
2. Characters – Describe the main character of your book. Use adjectives to tell about their personality and behaviors.
Describe how the main character solved the problem in your story.
Draw your character on the back!
3. Plot - Tell about the problem or predicament in your story. _____________________________________________________________________________
Tell about the action events that happened in your story.
How was the problem solved?
Draw your favorite scene on the back!
Math Assignment
Practice your addition and subtraction facts this summer and be sure you have them memorized. This will prepare you well for 3rd grade math class. Complete all the worksheets attached in your summer packet, and use the websites listed below as well.
Be prepared to hand in 2 sets of Reading Response sheets (character, setting, and plot) and 2 Math fact practice sheets on the first day of school.
Thank you and have a wonderful summer!
Mrs. Hanley